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Do You Need Thought Surgery?
Since I’ve retired from practicing medicine, people ask if I miss surgery. It’s certainly been a big life adjustment. But what I’ve realized is that while I’m no longer doing physical surgery, I now do a kind of thought surgery in my new career as a coach.

Find Your New Path
The one thing I never worried about as a practicing physician, and I worried about a lot of things, was security. I was attracted to medicine for its goal of helping people, for the scientific exploration and foundation. But I also appreciated the sense of security. Doctors would always have jobs.

Breaking Patterns
I broke a pattern today. Nothing big, I just did something I do not usually do. I joined a Facebook group associated with an online course I bought to help me with my website. Now, usually, when I join a new group, I lurk. Like for a while. Or forever.

It’s All Greek To Me
Did you know that the ancient Greeks had the ability to drain lung infections? People got lung infections but there were no antibiotics. Sometimes the infection would get so bad that pus would build up in the lung cavity and drainage was required to save the person’s life.

Let Your Chimes Ring
One of the last things I did before leaving Massachusetts, where I grew up, went to college, and went to medical school, was to visit the Cape one final time.

Walking is About Will
When a child is born with clubfoot, parents naturally have many concerns. Topping their list is, “Will he/she walk?”. Understandably, they are concerned that the deformity will keep their precious baby from reaching that important and exciting milestone.
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