Remember to Kindle the Light
How cliche to write an end-of-year piece.
And yet, after my first year of consistently writing about things that are both personally meaningful and hopefully contain thought-provoking points, how can I not comment on the event?
Who am I writing for? Myself or my readers? I intend to make it both.
Initially, I express something that’s been on my mind, to convey something I know or feel. Something I’ve experienced or learned.
But also, I hope to illuminate the way for others, that my experience will be of use in the minds and hearts of others.
Because why else are we here?
“The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” Carl Jung.
I used that quote in my medical school essay and it has continued to light my way through the world all these years later.
Where do you kindle a light for those around you? How do you want to? There you will find meaning and purpose. It will guide your days and nights.
And don’t forget to kindle your own light first. That is the flame that ignites all the others.
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